This classic text, know for its authoritative scholarship, clarity, and depth of coverage, remains an undisputed leader in its fifth edition. through its historical, institutional, and comparative …
William James brought something entirely new to the study of religion - he approached his subject from the viewpoint of the philosopher and the experimental psychologist. A physician by training, h…
Sebagai novel yang digolongkan pada bildungsroman atau novel perkembangan, A Portrait berkisah tentang perkembangan seorang lelaki bernama Stephen Dedalus mulai dari usia tiga tahunan hingga berusi…
Conceptual Blockbusting give you an abudances of games and exercises to limber up your mental muscels, involving you in activities that increase your ability to think productively and put your skil…
Buku ini disusun untuk mengurangi kegugupan serta mengantarkan Anda mulai dari tahap awal melakukan refleksi kefilsafatan sampai membuat rancangan akhir (draft) untuk makalah Anda, mendorong pening…
the Authors identify nearly three hundred aspects of Japanese culture, custom, and daily life that commonly frustate, delight, or just plain stump non-Japanese.