SKRIPSI : Penerapan Sembilan Elemen Jurnalisme Pada Berita Kampanye Pemilihan Presiden Di Media Daring Kompas.com Edisi Desember 2023
According to a press release from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), there were 203 election hoax issues spread across digital platforms totaling 2,882 contents. The nine elements of journalism need to be implemented so that the press can provide actual and factual information to the public. The research was conducted in one of Indonesia's online media, Kompas.com. Kompas.com occupies the first two ranks in the category of political reading references and media that are considered sharp and critical. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with the theory of the nine elements of journalism carried by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel as an analytical framework. The data retrieval technique used in the research, conducting interviews with informants and triangulating methods. The results of this study show that the nine elements of journalism applied to presidential election campaign news by Kompas.com are separated and summarize the news at the end of its activities. The nine elements of journalism pertain to Truth, Loyalty to the Public, Verification Discipline, Independence, Monitoring Power, Providing Criticism and Comment Forums for the Public, Making Things Interesting and Relevant, Comprehensive and Proportional, and Using Conscience.
B40 Ikom 2212 2025 | 2212 REG p 2024 | My Library (Skripsi Ilmu Komunikasi) | Tersedia |
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