An illustrated encyclopedia with articles on history, literature, art and music, geography, mathematics, science, sports, and other topics. Some articles include activities, games, or selections fr…
An illustrated encyclopedia with articles on history, literature, art and music, geography, mathematics, science, sports, and other topics. Some articles include activities, games, or selections fr…
An illustrated encyclopedia with articles on history, literature, art and music, geography, mathematics, science, sports, and other topics. Some articles include activities, games, or selections fr…
An illustrated encyclopedia with articles on history, literature, art and music, geography, mathematics, science, sports, and other topics. Some articles include activities, games, or selections fr…
This book deals with the historical fortunes of man's two greatest adventures : his practical explorations of the physical world and his construction of theorestical world models in his imaginations
Membahas beberapa sejarah Jepang, diantaranya : Pelabuhan Dezima dan Batavia , Kiprah Jepang sejak Proto Globalisasi dan Globalisasi Baru, Keyakinan pada Shinto dan Budha, serta mobilisasi ekonomi …
Telusuri pertanyaan-pertanyaan paling provokatif John Horgan dalam petualangannya ke dalam seluruh lanskap ilmu pengetahuan melalui sejumlah wawancara eksklusif dengan para ilmuan terkemuka pada ma…