Dolorosa SInaga adalah seorang pemnatuing terpenting Indonesia. Beliau adalah partisipan utama dalam perubahan budaya di negri terbesar keempat di dunia. Buku ini menawarkan pemahaman unik atas kar…
This book gives a brief description of the major features of the city's history, heritage and progress. ...This new edition seeks to emphasize the commitment of the United Arab Emirates and its lea…
Art and Life in America is a book by Oliver W. Larkin published in 1949 by Rinehart & Company which won the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for History. It is a book which comprehensively deals about Art and a…
There are so many wonderful scenes and subjects to create - and they're all here in this the third collection of origami, the original art pf paper-folding
Seni Menulis Puisi terdiri dari teori apresiasi dan langkah-langkah terapan, mulai dari kiat menangkap ide; menciptakan kesegaran daya ungkap; menghilangkan konjungsi; menulis kata pertama; menulis…