Kondisi: Baru “… sejak awal kemerdekaan, bangsa kita sudah mempunyai bahasa nasional, bahkan bahasa negara. Berlainan dengan negara-negara tetangga seperti Singapura, Filipina, apalagi Indoa…
A young schoolgirl with dreams of being an actress, JeriLee Randall, is at the dawn of discovering her own sexuality when she meets Walter Thornton, Jr., the son of the world-famous playwright, Wal…
... . Dalam bukunya ini Marbangun memberi gambaran kepada kita tentang "Manusia Jawa" seperti yang dilihat dan dialaminya sendiri tanpa mendukung ataupun menolak tanggapan Mochtar Lubis.
America's famous musician-conductor-somposer-teacher is at the peak of his powers as he takes you on a guided musical grand tour from the living greatness of the classics to the bold new sounds of …
A monumental study of one of the most famous authors in the 20th century by one of the most distinguished literary men of America today, Sinclair Lewis: An American Life will stand for years to com…
Michael Aaron Rockland is a prolific writer and a Professor of American Studies at Rutgers University. Despite the variety of his books and articles, the recurring interests in his writing—whethe…