'Thank you spider' (George Smith to the spider that caused him to comfort marvellous Miss Martin) 'She's a tall girl with gold hair.' 'This is no missing person's bureau' 'She swings her hips w…
Written in 1938, Nausea remains one of the peaks of Sartre's achievement. It is a novel of the alienation of personality and the mystery of being, and presents us with the first full-length essay i…
Women in Love is about the relationship of two sisters, Ursula and Gudrun, who live in a Midland colliery town in the years before the first World War. Ursula fall in love with Birkin (a self-portr…
Sebuah koleksi anekdot ilustratif dan kisah-kisah yang dipilih secara cermat yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Sufi.
Malone Dies is the death-bed soliloquy of an old and helpless man, concerned to tell nothing but the truth. From his meagre recollections and resolutions and a few shreds of stories, the author of …
Buku ini merupakan referensi untuk kajian Ilmu Public Relations yang menawarkan solusi penerapan pendekatan kritis bagi pemecahan permasalahan Public relations, antara lain melalui riset. Dalam pro…
There are so many wonderful scenes and subjects to create - and they're all here in this the third collection of origami, the original art pf paper-folding
Empat puluh delapan cerita dalam buku ini dipilih diterjemahkan dari buku asli "Jesus the Son of Man" karya Kahlil Gibran, seorang penyair, filsuf dan pelukis terkenal dari Libanon. Ia melukiska…
Skripsi ini membahas representasi fasisme versus demokrasi dalam novel Karpov's Brain karya Gerald Green dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Tokoh sentral dalam novel ini, yaitu Abram Le…